Sunday, August 22, 2010

claiming it

when i was 16 i sprained my ankle (after winning a game of ping pong i hurt it in celebration..) i was anxious to start running again and began running before it was healed. i favored my right leg so much that the muscles changed and since then my right leg has been shorter and turned outward. whenever i get new shoes i get weird pains while they squish to accommodate my stride. i got new shoes about a week ago, ran, and predictably felt pain in my lower right back which remained sore until today.

today, my dear friend and sister in Christ, looked up from her med school essay and asked, "is anything wrong with your back?" she had received a word from the Lord. of course i said yes, so she prayed for me. as she prayed i felt chills come over me as they often do when i believe i'm feeling the presence of the Holy Spirit. then i felt myself stand up a little more on my right side. it felt like the muscle in my lower right back relaxed and then expanded. suddenly i felt more stable on my feet. i sat with my butt up against a wall and she examined my feet. my legs were the same length!!

she felt the Lord telling me to continue to strengthen my back in the days to come, but He did the big work! A couple hours later i read a friend's facebook status: "I CAN WALK!!!!! ALL PRAISE TO GOD. seriously, it was INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like RIDICULOUSLY INSANE. He is so good. So so good. If people tell you miracles don't happen.. HA! THEY DO. i'm a walking example (all pun intended) :D" she had recently gotten out of surgery hardly able to walk even with crutches. after prayer tonight her pain had gone from 7-8 out of 10 to nearly nothing and she could walk without the crutches!

looks like God is hard at work today. Praise you Lord Jesus! Sickness, injury, and death cannot exist in Your presence!

here's a funny quirk about being agnostic

Here's a funny quirk about being agnostic: there's no truth that you can prove, so all belief is a choice. It is delusion then to mistake your belief that everything is composed of "the natural" for provable truth. We suffer under that deception for the utterly ironic reason that the natural is easier to believe in; it's right there in front of us. We make the laughable mistake of confusing ease of belief with truth. So if all belief is a choice, I choose to cast aside the easy (and despair inducing) answer that the physical is all there is and believe in the man that suffered what must have been inexpressible agony to overcome death and still had the love to ask forgiveness for the ones that caused it. I choose the One that freed me from every imprisoning addiction, and injected hope and life back into my despairing soul. You may tell me I'm deluded. I will reply: no one can prove that they're not deluded, but what does your belief gain you? I guess this makes me an agnostic christian, has there ever been one before? Ah well, Praise Jesus, the Hope of Glory!